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Due to being implemented with the ERC-1155 standard, which is widely recognized by the community, Native Lands can be traded freely in many famous marketplaces such as OpenSea, Rarible, Mintable, etc.
The Briky Land team also constructed our own marketplace for trading Native Land NFTs only to provide the best user experience. Currently, we use a basic smart contract mechanism, similar to other marketplaces. There, NFT holders list their selling offers each with a specific amount, price, and currency, as well as approve the marketplace contract to operate over their tokens, and wait for others to accept their offers. The marketplace contract triggered by the buyers will pull the required money from the buyers, split the NFTs cost to the seller and the royalty to the platform, and also transfer the NFTs ownership to the buyers.
However, only in Briky Land's marketplace could you meet an exclusive royalty rate that is smaller than the ordinary rate, which is already smaller than the average of the traditional market, when you trade with our exclusive token – BRIK (described in the next section of the document).